Industry Articles

Sanitiser Station In Use for Covid-19 Statement

Dorset Fire Protection: Covid-19 Statement


COVID 19 presents an unprecedented crisis which is affecting people right around the globe and will impact each of us significantly in the forthcoming weeks and months. At Dorset Fire Protection, we remain committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that our staff and customers are protected from the virus, and at the same time continuing to provide our normal level of service to all customers. We are fully aware that the services we provide to clients are essential for the ongoing protection of lives and livelihoods, as well as compliance with fire safety regulations.

As far as possible, therefore, business will continue as normal, subject to any guidance issued by the Government. We have conducted a supply chain review and are adjusting our stock levels to provide contingency supply where necessary.

Only essential face to face meetings will continue to be held, but Video Conferencing facilities will be utilised as much as possible to ensure that business functions as normally as possible. In particular, train and air travel will be avoided.

If it becomes necessary to close the offices, essential services will continue to be provided by staff working remotely. We will do everything within our power to continue technician visits to customer’s sites in order to maintain the life safety equipment for our customers. All our technicians are required to take simple precautionary measures to help reduce the risk of spreading the virus, both at work and outside of work.

If customers have to close their premises, we ask that we are notified prior to our technicians attending site to avoid unnecessary travel and aborted visit charges.


All staff have been asked to take the following precautionary measures:


Observe good respiratory practice

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or their sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. Put used tissues in the bin immediately.


Wash hands regularly

Wash your hands with soap and water often (or sanitizer gel where this is not available). Particularly, whenever you enter and leave a customer’s premises. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands if they are unclean. Hand sanitizer will be provided in all vehicles.


Observe social distancing

Avoid close contact with people who are unwell. Try to avoid locations where it is not possible to maintain reasonable distances from other persons and crowds, especially where you are likely to be close to other people for more than 20 minutes (e.g. in restaurants, places of entertainment etc).


Observe customer-specific instructions

When you enter customer premises, you must follow the precautions they may have put in place. This will be particularly important in premises where vulnerable people live, such as the elderly.


Public transport

Avoid using busy public transport, and for work use, the company will not be booking train or air travel for non-essential travel.


Incoming goods and parcels

Wherever possible goods and parcels entering the work premises should remain in quarantine for at least 12 hours before opening to reduce the risk of picking up contamination.


If you feel unwell

If you have a continuous cough or high-temperature, we are recommending that you self-isolate for 7 days, as per the Government guidance. If you are no better after this time, seek medical assistance.

As further guidance is issued, we will respond accordingly.


Gary Askew

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